Jumat, 16 September 2016

Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly

Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly
Image From: media.galamedianews.com

Health Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly  - Love having sex but have you ever thought about the hidden health benefits of having sex? There is absolutely no doubt that having sex is an undeniable part of our lives.

Health Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly

In addition to recreation and to have offspring, making love also has some health benefits. Here are some health benefits to having sex:

1. Overcoming Stress

Studies show that sex can cope with stress both in women and in men.

2. Prevent Prostate Cancer

Men who ejaculate seven times a week were a third less likely to get prostate cancer.

Health Benefits Of Having Sex Regularly
Image From: katariau.com

3. Overcoming Pain

Sex releases endorphins, happy hormones and painkillers that can reduce pain

4. Benefits of Sex for Beauty as Anti Aging

A study of Edinburgh showed that couples who have sex four times a week look ten years younger. Having sex releases human growth hormones that fight free radicals that cause premature aging. While enjoying sex, you would look younger and more beautiful

5. Increase Immune System

A study at Wilkes University found that having sex twice a week did increase the level of immunoglobulin A, to protect you from common cold and countless other infections.

6. Fight Heart Disease

The American Journal of Cardiovascular Health released a study stating that men who have sex at least twice a week were less likely to suffer from heart disease

Kamis, 08 September 2016

Benefits of Banana for Beauty

Benefits of Banana for Beauty
Image From: theuncagedlife.com

Banana Skin Benefit For Facial Beauty, probably many who do not know if the banana peel which we consider to be junk proved to have tremendous benefits for beauty skin. Some famous banana will benefit is the plantain, banana kepok, leprosy bananas, bananas and more bananas.

Bananas can be used as a natural ingredient of beauty because bananas contain many nutrients that are good for health and beauty including vitamin B, B6, C, magnesium, iron, phosphorus and calcium. The content of the course, bananas and skin very well for use as a facial skin care.

Benefits of a banana skin for beauty very interesting to discuss, this is because not many people know the efficacy of banana skin against skin beauty. Nahh for more details, here are the benefits of a banana skin for beauty skin.

Banana Skin Benefit For Facial Beauty

1. Brighten the skin

Have facial skin bright and beautiful is the dream of all women. But to get it is not easy you need to perform a variety of treatments. One of the treatments that you can do it by using banana peels. With a banana peel you do not need to spend money to do maintenance, banana peels you can get for free. Besides a banana skin also does not have side effects which is very safe to use.

2. Remove dead skin cells

Dead skin cells causing the skin to appear dirty, greasy and dull. You do not have to worry about the situation, you need not go to a doctor or a skin specialist buy beauty products at exorbitant prices, you just need to take advantage of the banana peel to resolve the issue. The trick is you mash the banana peel to the manner in mash until smooth and then you stick on your skin evenly. Let stand for a few minutes you just rinse with water until clean.

Benefits of Banana to Treat Acne
Image From: i4.ofpof.com

3. Treating Acne

Banana peel can also use to cope with acne prone skin. For those of you who have skin problems with acne you can take advantage of the banana skin, how are you rubbing the inside of a banana peel your skin with acne is smooth and creamy. After the routine use of acne will disappear by itself. For maximum results it is advisable to apply the banana skin on the face in the evening.

4. Overcoming irritation and itching

Skin irritation, allergies, rashes or other skin problems can be overcome only use a banana peel. The trick is paste in banana skin to skin problems and let stand overnight, bladder contained on banana peel will get rid of the sense of irritation and other Gatak.

5. Treating warts

Another benefit of a banana skin is able to treat warts. Rubbing the inside of the banana peel gently on the skin there is a wart. Do it every night it will show its effect after 7-10 days later. You also can put a banana peel on the skin that are warts overnight.

6. Smooth the skin

Problem facial skin dry and rough skin can also be overcome with a banana. To do that you soften the banana peel until soft, then you make a banana skin such as a face mask, you can add natural honey, apply on your skin every day for a few weeks then you will feel the change in your skin, your skin will be smooth and soft.

7. Tighten the skin

The skin is wrinkled or aging is the most frightening specter for all women. All women want to always have beautiful skin and youthful, nahh to get this you can take advantage of a banana skin ,. Banana skin is believed to tighten the skin and prevent aging also wrinkles on the skin. Use a banana skin as a face mask, do this treatment every day to get maximum results.

8. Eliminate scars

The skin is black due to injury-free is certainly very disturbing appearance, especially for those women who have made appearances. For that you need not worry, you can overcome it with a banana peel, you simply rub the inside of a banana skin to your skin is problematic, or by placing a banana peel on the skin is problematic.

Thus the benefits of a banana skin for facial beauty. You can practice the tips above for tips above are proven. May the above information helpful. Thanks.